lunes, 4 de enero de 2010

My life in three different places...

Now that we enter in a new year and I have to write something on my blog, I have been thinking that from four years until now, I've been living in three different places along the year. Well, that's too much too say, i'm exagerating because basically almost all the time I've spend it in Castellón (now that i study in the UJI, Valencia before) but i say that I live in three different places because in Summer I go to Venezuela and in Chistmas I go to Galicia. The point that I'm trying to make is that there are three different lifes that converge in one, mine(this is getting too philosophical, I better get to the point). Let me explain..

When I'm in Castellón, where I'm basically all the year; I go to the University; I live by myself in a university residence with all the things that come with it(cooking, cleaning, only bad stuff, partying, drinking beer, going out dressed as James Bond or as a cow after); in Castellón they speak Valenciano; there is a good climate not too cold not too hot and finally I have friends that doesn't connect at all with the ones that are in the other places.

Then there is Venezuela, where I was born and was until five years ago; I return to my 'house'(I put house with '' because now I think my house is this but well is the place where you grew up and stuff like that), I get to see my mom, I don't have to cook or clean but you are used to living alone and there are silly things that bother you like things aren't where you left them for example..they just teleport to the other corner of your room misteriously; the weather is hot (is a country near the Equator, so is allways summer there); it's a completely different country with all that comes with it including a different way of speaking because you speak Spanish there but not like here haha; it's the only time of the year in which I drive a car to move myself around and of course all my friends here does't know any of my friends in Spain, at least in person. Ahh and I was forgetting the rum here cost half the price that in Spain, so yes you can feel it in your economy haha.

Finally we find Galicia during Chistmas, it's not a different country because is inside Spain but is like it was it; allmost all my friends there speak in Gallego(I understand them, it's not like they speak it and I have to manage myself to understand them); you eat like there is no tomorrow or like you are about to overwinter like bears and red wine there is like water; the weather in that time of the year is freezing cold and of course, I have to mention that I stay in my grandmother's house that lacks heating, and not to forget, Internet (to see something on the net, I've to go to a bar or to a friend's house, by the way that's one of the things that kept me from writing in this blog until now) and like in the other places my friends there dont know the ones here.

After saying all of this, I think that unconsciously all of this could led me to Traducció i Interpretació mmm interesting haha.

To summarize, different places and not different lifes because i am the same in each one of those places, i dont change but i say my life in three different places because in each one of them there's something of significance, different in each place, friends, family, weather, way of life, blah blah. Well, i tried to make my point clear haha. All I have left to say is that most of the people feel bad moving from one place to another ,not seeing each other everyday, but ask me and I'm going to tell you that I like it, I don't know, i'm used to it, and if to all of that you add universitary life studying what you like, you've got one hell of a mix, is like a Martini "Shaken, not stirred", dont ask me why on this one because it was the first thing that came to mind. Maybe i shouldn't be making so much references to alcohol... mainly because this is read by the English teacher, but she once said "it's not like i'm going to take all your time, you should go out, get drunk and do what college students do", and you know, kids like us are like a sponge at this age, we absorb everything the teachers say(here we go again, alcohol, absorbing.. i should start thinking in going to Alcoholics Anonymous). Of course all of this was a joke...most of haha.

After boring you and feeling a little like Bill Bryson talking about differences between places, I say good bye good bye good bye(three times if you haven't noticed)

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