martes, 20 de abril de 2010

A night at the Roxbury!

As i told you in a past entry, i was going to throw a theme party based on the movie "A night at the Roxbury", so lets first talk of the movie so that you can understand better the style of the party.

This movie it's a movie based on two characters from a comedy show called Saturday Night Live, they are the Butabi brothers: Steve and Doug Butabi. The two brothers make an unusual pair, they dress with colorful suits, gold chains and oversprayed hair styles. They like to storm every disco in the city and aproach every girl on sight even if the girls dont feel the same "love" as they do, i have to mention that they aren't very nice at picking up woman maybe it's mainly because their seduction technique is, how can i put it, "special". Their seduction tecnique consist in:

1.-While staying at the bar, move your neck from one side to the other at the music rythm (if the song is "What is love" from Haddaway, better)

2.-Take a look at the panorama...choose a girl

3.-Go and take her out for a "dance"

All this you could say its pretty normal, but if i tell you that the dance part consist in grabbing and moving your pelvis against her like a horny dog then thats when this technique becomes special, haha

After telling you a little about how they are, lets talk more about what's frustrating them lately. As i told you earlier, they love discos so their dream is to be able one day to get to manage one of their own, but their father doesn't understand this, he think it's a silly dream and he wants that they take the family bussiness when he is gone, a fake plant store, haha. Another thing that's driving they crazy is the word "Roxbury". The Roxbury is the coolest club in town
and of course they can't get in. So when they accidentaly crash against a famous tv actor with their car and as an apologie he lets them enter the Roxbury, the story begins to take another course...

Well i'm not going to tell you the whole movie, just wanted that you made an idea of it so i can explain what was the party about.

First let me tell you that i live in a universitary residence, where my "home" is a mini-apartment, a room with a mini kitchen all in the same space and a bathroom. So having this space at hand i told to myself what can i do to turn this room in the club from the movie, the Roxbury. Ideas started to came to my mind:

1.-I need to have music, what kind of music, music like the movie, 80's/90's style. Internet, download, checked.

2.-I need that music to sound like in a club, a big guitar amplifier, checked.

3.-Now that i have the music, i need ilumination, lava lampa, black light on the wall and a disco light shooting color light in every directions, checked.

4.-I have to make this room look like a club: big printed letters "R O X B U R Y" in the entrance and in the room, checked; party posters on the walls, which i already had, checked; "A night at the roxbury" printed photos as decoration, checked; and last but not less important a dancing stage, how? well, taking out my bed and letting the table where it stands as a dancing stage, haha.

5.-Add a little alcohol, confeti and glowsticks here and there with people dressed like in the movie.

And voila!, here you have THE ROXBURY!

After all of this, i don't need to tell you that the party was an incredible success, everyone was amazed, and boy they partied, haha, they and me of course. And again, i don't need to tell you that after this success, more theme parties are on the coming!

So lets declare the new 359 (the number of my residence room) club open and lets celebrate with sparkling shining champagne in the name of "A night at the Roxbury", and this new theme party journey that i'm about to start, haha.

Now i have to go, i need to plan the next party(and study english of course, haha)

Bye, bye. What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more..

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

FC. Barcelona vs Real Madrid

After seeing the title of the entry, you already know what this is going to be about.

Let me start saying that i'm neither a follower of FC. Barcelona nor Real Madrid but i'm a great fan of soccer in general so lets say that i talk from a objective point of view, and lets keep clear that the first reason why i'm here writing is to talk about what this soccer match means and maybe at the end i'm going to give my opinion on who is going to win but, i want to focus on the meaning of the game.

First we have to have in mind the fact that this particular match is going to be seen by millions of people worldwide(including people that don't follow soccer). This game is an enourmous event in the world of soccer because two of the biggest teams if not the biggest(with the respect of the others) and "enemies for life"(they are like Homer and non-alcoholic drinks) face each other in the field. If that is not enough, we have to add the fact that they reach this point of the "Liga Profesional de Fútbol"(LFP) both with the same points, so this particular match can be decisive to win the league; FC. Barcelona has won everything last year, so the Real Madrid wants revenge in some way; this is the only competition in where the Real Madrid is alive, the only one that can prove that the vast sum of money spent in bringing some of the better players of the world to this club was worth something; both teams have the best players of the world, Cristiano Ronaldo(Real Madrid) and Lionel Messi(FCB) are 2008 and 2009 respectively winner of the "Ballon d'Or", "The Golden Ball", referred to as the European Footballer of the Year award, so we can expect one hell of a game.

So, having that said and seeing what this soccer match brings with it, lets talk about what i really wanted to talk, the impact on the spanish culture.

We can say that this game is so attached to the spanish culture as the "tortilla española" or the "paella". In the week before to this game, people,television,radio dont talk about other thing rather than this, maybe i'm exagerating but you know what i'm talking about and you can picture it. You know it's going to be the biggest event of the week even if a bomb makes dissapear, i dont know, Venezuela for example haha.

That's a week before but then there is the day of the game, in this day, the streets are desolated like in the Wild West, the country is paralized, where is all the people? The answer is BARS or their houses, and they are seeing the game of course haha, its a soccer country, you know. This happening can only be surpassed by a soccer match of the Spanish National Team in the Worl Cup, or if one day pubs decide to give alcohol for free, haha, that would do it too. Everybody wants to see the game, even if you are from another team, like me, or don't like soocer as much because you know you are going to have a good time with friends. If you are like me then you enjoy, apart from a nice soccer match, to laugh at your friends face, haha, its the best!, because whoevers win the game, you dont care, you only mess with them, and annoy them when the other team scores and stuff like that haha, you get the point.

Well after saying all this, and leaving clear that this game is more than just another soccer match, i'm going to get my feet wet for a little and say that FC. Barcelona is going to win, i leave it there.

Talking about soccer, i have to go now, im going to play it with some friends now, haha. See ya

viernes, 2 de abril de 2010


I was sitting here eating some cookies and i felt like to write, so let's get to it.

I wanted to say that despite of having vacations this entire week, i'm more excited about the weeks to come after this one, i don't know if it is because i don't have a big plan for this week or the reason is that the next weeks, for example: i have planned a theme party of "A night at the Roxbury" that's going to be a blast or the little detail that the SOS 4.8 music festival is coming near as i write this lines. Of course, as much fun as the party is going to be, the big event is the music festival, so let's talk about it.

SOS 4.8 is a music festival that's going to take place in Murcia. I find its slogan curious, its slogan is: "Are you wierd? What means to be weird? What is wierd? Are you brave, exagerated, twisted, fun, attractive until extravagance? Are you capable to see from the other side of the mirror?". Well, that was in fact wierd haha, so is this a music festival for wierdos? noop haha, its only that it's different. This festival is all about indie,alternative,electronic music. In two days of festival, April 30 and May 1, im going to enjoy the live performances of groups like Crystal Castles, Madness, Franz Ferdinand, We Are Standard, Fatboy Slim, The Sunday Drivers and many more, only for the price of 35 euros. I'm pretty excited not only because i'm going to this concerts but also because of all that a music festival brings with it: The ambient, the people, the party. The simple fact of being in the ambient of a music festival and to sleep in a tent with parties by night is something to be excited about, and if you go with friends of course you have an extra plus.

Well as i was writing this, the plan that i didn't have came out for tonight so see yaaaa haha. Let's see if next time, i talk a little more about the Roxbury party that i mentioned earlier.