sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

I'm here with Manolo and Sofia

Sofia is such a bad friend, I have told her twice today that i had to finish writing on my blog and she didn't remind me that today was the last day to write on it, of course is just kiding but now i have to write quickly.

So i'm here hurrying up to finish the blog, having dinner at the same time and thinking that i'm not going to finish it with so little time. Mmmm.... let's think...too much homeworks and the exams coming close that i forget about the blog...think think...write write...

Ok i've got something, yesterday I saw for the second time AVATAR, again i had the same feeling that i had the first time i saw it, is incredible, a whole new world to discover, now i'm thinking that i going to buy it on blu-ray when i have the money..

We are having for dinner "arepas", is a typical venezuelan food made of corn flour.

We were going to see a movie now but because i remember that the last day to write on this little thing called blog was today i'm here writing as fast as i can instead of seeing the movie, but hey it's a new experience, you have to sabour every little thing that life throws to you, if life give you lemons then make lemonade...sorry if this is getting tedious but i'm throwing everything directly from my brain to the blog..

My birthday is coming soon, it's in May 17, obviously with the exams so near , i'm not going to celebrate it but hey don't worry for me, i plan to celebrate it big time with the end of examns, so that doesn't worry me too much

The sad thing of all this, is that i that... i'm getting out of time nooooooooooooo... let me write a little bit more pleaseeee.. well i'm going to keep writing and if it doesn't count, well at least i tried it...

Dont worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be allright-- thats what the song "three little birds" of Bob Marley says, good song. The phone rings, i don't have time to answer, they will call me later, now i'm busy.

Well as i was saying the sad thing is that i pretended to finish the blog tomorrow thinking that the final date was the day of the exam but apparently it wasn't, now it will be good to have a Delorean like in back to the future or the ability to control time like Hiro Nakamura from the Heroes series...time travel what a paradox haha, crazyyy..

Blog, blog, blog what do i write on you, let's see i think that i have more than 4000 words already but i'm not sure..

I think i going to leave it here, the movie that we are going to see is The imaginarium of Doctor Parnasus, i think is going to be a phycodelic ride, that what i was told about it, people that have seen it, said to me that is a crazy film, with the word crazy they mean crazy really, not crazy good, lets see if it's both, crazy and good..

So let the show begin!

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Impresions after SOS 4.8

The expectations were very high and boy, they were fullfilled and more.

The day started like any other normal Friday exept for the fact that i was ready to go to the music festival SOS 4.8 in Murcia, and knowing that it was going to be one hell of a weekend. A car aproched the students residence were I live emiting sounds of SOS, loud people screaming my name at the rythm of Crystal Castles had arrived, they were my friends calling me to pick me up, so we could start our journey to phycodelic land.

The first thing we did was to fill up the tank of the car and pass by Valencia to pick up another friend that lives there and them we were ready to go. After a long trip of silly things, expresions like: SOS is gonna blow our minds off, Who is hotter on this magazine, what the first thing that i'm going to do when i arrive is going to take my pants off, that together with some chicken dances and stuff like that, after losing ourselfs in a road that wasn't the right and following later some girls caravan that knew exactly where the festival was, we at last arrived at Murcia at 17:30.

The first concert was going to start at 19:45 so we had to hurry a little bit to eat something, drink a par of "copichuelas" and of course the magic touch...get dressed as 80's aerobics instructors. With people staring at us we started to put our eye-destroying colored tights, headbands, really short shorts, wristbands and sneakers and of top of all that some home-made 3d glasses, we were ready for everything. Walking towards the festival people wanted to take pictures with us, do some little aerobics, this was going to be fun.

As we entered the festival we saw a zone were there was a lot of people dancing to the music of a DJ, behind then a little pool nearly empty, whithout looking at each other we knew exactly what we should do: we took our shoes off and entered the pool, at first everyone was like what are they doing but a few minutes later, everybody was doing aerobics figures imposed by us, their aerobics instructors, all of this at the rythm of the music. It was a moment to remember.

After the inicial crazyness we went running to see the first concert: The Sunday Drivers. There was a lot of people allready despite being the first concert. Sings holded by people in the crowd displayed messages like: Love me, Shit happens, Marry me, Im useless, you get the idea. When the concert was over and because the next group on stage didn't attracted us very much, we went outside to grab some dinner.

The time had come next in the other scenary(there were too stages) was the turn for Crystal Castles. This was one of my favorite groups to be on the festival, so we ran to the stage to be first in line when the concert started. I only have to say that it was the craziest concert I ever be on. People were jumping all the time non-stop, the sound was incredible, Alice Glass the singer jumped towards me and in the fall made me loose my glasses, under a microclimate of warm sweat and pumping adrenaline with the singer screaming on top of me, this was insane. When the concert was finished, whithout glasses, whithout cellphone! What the... and, with my t-shirt at the height of my nipples and having no clue were my friends were i got out of there and start looking for them with the increased difficulty that there were thousands of people in the festival and I didn't had cellphone.

Finally i catch up with them, at the end of the concert we ended all in every corner of it. There was no time to rest, next was Franz Ferdinand on the other stage, we ran to the other concert...this was the rutin of the festival, it was glorious haha.

After another three or four concerts the festival was reaching the end of it's first day. It was 7 o'clock in the morning, we went to McDonalds to get something to eat, we and everybody in the festival, I think McDonalds made their year that day. We party a little bit on the parking lot and then went to sleep in the car.

Next day. Saturday 11:05 I wake up with my tights still on and the skin-melting sun in my face. We were inside a car-form sauna. We went out of the car poured ourself a little water on the heads and seeing the space we had, we thought that playing soccer was a good idea, we took a ball out of the car trunk and started playing. It was a strange picture, 8 men semi-nuded with tights playing soccer..

The sun was hitting us in the head like a hammer, we needed to take a shower. So, we head ourselfs towards the car-washing machines haha, there with a pressure hose we took our bath, refreshing. We changed our clothes, today we weren't going as aerobics intructors again, today we went "normal".

Inside the festival, we lied down on the grass with nice dj music next to us. After some time, the sky starts to get darker, then the first water drop, then a tiny rain, then it was like god open its fridge in top of us. Hail started to fall, we ran to the cars in attempt to flee from the white meteorites that where hitting our heads. Already in the cars we prayed for a change in the weather and apparently it worked the sun begun to come out again...Yes, the climate conditions of the festival apparently were crazy as the festival itself haha.

With a less asfixiation-inducing temperature we went back to the festival. And here we go again, mega great concerts one after the other, dinner and finally he was ther waiting for us, he was FATBOY SLIM. God turned into dj that until 7:00 o'clock in the morning kept us dancing and screaming. Norman Cook (his real name) said goodbye and a opera music begin to sound. People knew it was over but they, we included, kept dancing ballet at the rythm of the music. The organization of the festival told us to move out, the big mass of people marched towards the exit.

SOS 4.8 was over.. another great experience to our memory...but it was not really over there was one little surprise wainting for us in the car..

When we woke up everything looked pretty normal, a car full of junk food, bottles, people slepping in strange positions reaching the capabilities of a circus contosionist, but when we are going to head up to Castellón again and try to start the car, nothing happens, we ran out of battery. Our physicians minds made this clever thought dont worry the other cars are going to have battery and with that we can revive ours. Well, this was even more strange that the entire festival haha, all the cars around us were batery dead too haha. Aparently, music and lights on all day doesn't seen to do well with batery life.

There we were waiting for the crane to save us. And here is where this story ends, the crane came and we were all rescued. We head back to Castellón, and here I am writing on this blog. That was the last great pary before exams, now its the turn of study, go for it!