sábado, 19 de diciembre de 2009

You aren't in Kansas anymore...you are in Pandora

Ok, now, I'm in love with a new movie that has come to theaters yesterday, is called AVATAR. AVATAR comes to us from the hands of James Cameron, known by his masterpieces Titanic and Terminator. This guy is a genius, he has such tremendous imagination and an incredible facility to make his ideas come to life. His Brand is massive cinematic entertaiment, when i mean massive I refer to everything; the atmosphere surrounding the movie, the technology used in it, the soundtrack, etc.

In this particular movie, we have to talk about the technology at first, because it's the main theme that has been talked about from the first moment Cameron mentioned AVATAR. When talking about how he imagined the world of AVATAR, he said that he wrote the story fourteen years ago but when he show it to the other people working with him, they said literally: "If we make this..we are doomed, it can't be done, the technology doesn't exist", so he put it way back in the drawer for about a decade. When he saw how Gollum, a computer generated character, did on the Lord of the Rings, he resurected the project. At this moment it's easy to figure that AVATAR uses 3D, the female lead is entirely computer generated. As a result, the cast donned motion-capture suits – essentially, leotards covered in sensors that feed the movements of the body back to a bank of computers – and acted out their scenes on a "performance capture" stage six times bigger than anything used in Hollywood before. This makes the characters look so real that you would enter this new world believing everything and getting atached to them. It would be silly now to say that to experience AVATAR in all it's glory, you have to wear 3D glasses on the projection.

At this point, you may say, "ohh, another one of thoses 3D animation flicks...". Well, yes it's a 3D movie but it's not as any other you have seen before. The movie is made from zero, thinking on 3D technology, it's acompanied by an inmersive imaginative world, a nice story and a fantastic soundtrack so it has all the ingredients to be a massive cinematic experiences - and it is. Maybe is a little mix of many things that had been done already (Dances with Wolves, Solaris) but it has the things that make a movie epic and memorable.

Now that we talked enough of the technological facet of the movie, let's talk about the most important thing in a movie: the story and how you make the audience believe your story, because there's no good movie without a good story, even though this isn't a story; it's an experience. In AVATAR a new world is made from scratch. A paraplegic Marine called Jake Sully decides to take the place of his dead brother in a mission on the distant world of Pandora. When he arrives to Pandora he sees a planet made by a vast forest landscape and learns that it's inhabitated by the native humanoid "Na'vi". His mission there will consist on taking control of a geneticaly created Na'vi-Human body and infiltrate the natives to convince them of leaving the place where they are settled because underneath there is a gigantic source of a rich material that the humans want. And from here it starts, Jake will learn new things from this experience and maybe his priorities begin to change...

All in AVATAR is epic, the incredible detailed world of Pandora and it's creatures, the way it draws you into the story, those eye-poping moments, the music, the message. It's one of my favorite movies this year. And even if you don't like it at all, you will have moments, when you forget everything that's happening and just stare at the beautiful detailed forests and I say to you that you will enjoy the ride. This movie sould be on your "must see" movies and i recomend that you see it with 3D googles.

domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2009

No one's gonna take me alive!

Alright, now that i can speak with a normal tone voice and i am able to move without any pain on any part of my body, let's talk about the band called MUSE and the their latest concert in Barcelona.

Yes, my friends, don't worry i did not get hit by a car nor i was on a street fight(well it could be considerd like it in some parts of the concert), i was screaming and sweating myself off like crazy....okk... that didn't sound so well. The thing is that last week i went to the MUSE concert (i could have gone to the Camilo Sesto concert better but i have seen him so many times live that i am getting tired)part of their Resistance Tour that took place in the Palau Sant Jordi in Barcelona and all i can say is WHAT A CONCERT!, i think it's the best live performance i have seen.

Well for those of you who don't know anything about MUSE they are a British band formed by guitarrist/vocalist Matthew Bellamy, bassist Chris Wolstenholme and drummer Dominic Howard. Their music style is a fusion of progressive rock, glam, electronica and Radiohead-influenced experimentation. They started the first incarnation of their band while only thirteen years old under the name of Gothic Plague. By 1997, they changed it to the actual name MUSE and their debut full-length album called Showbiz, was released toward the end of 1999. Then they released The Origin of Symmetry(platinum in the UK), Absolution(gold in the U.S. and second platinum in the UK), Black Holes and Revelations(their biggest commercial success) and their latest The Resistance. They have amazing songs like: Knights of Cydonia, Plug in Baby, Times is Running Out, Hysteria, Supermassive Black Hole, Map of the Problematique and a large list of them.

Now, talking about their live performance, MUSE has won multiple awards for Best Live Act and i can see why. I didn't stop jumping on the entire concert, i only stop jumping when it was necessary to take a breath, just to start jumping again. I am serious, they live performance is amazing, they sound better than on the disc and that with most bands don't happen. It was truly a memorable experience.

After all of that and after getting you tired about MUSE, i recomend seriously that you check this band out and give them a chance in your repertory, alongside to your David Bisbal records.

And finally as a tittle of a MUSE song sugest, i am getting a Supermassive Black Hole on my stomach, so, i'm going to get something to eat. See ya!

martes, 10 de noviembre de 2009


Ok here we go. I´m not feeling too inspired to write right know but I haven´t write here for quite a while, so i have to get on track again and write something new because the old things that i wrote are getting stinky. So having that said, let´s see how it goes.

The other day, I went to the cinema and I was lucky to grab a seat and experience one of the most surprising films of the year, it´s called District 9. It´s a movie that counts whith the support of Peter Jackson as the producer, he is known in the movie industry because he was the director of movies like, the trilogy of The Lord of the rings and King Kong. District 9 is an alien science fiction flick, you may think right by now that: "Oh no, another one of those tipical, aliens come to earth-humans fight them back, win and we all stay very happy movie", well, let me tell you that you´re wrong, it isn´t. It´s about aliens and it´s science fiction but the thing here is that when the aliens arrive in their huge ship to earth, for some reason they don´t attack and their ship is apparently not moving or doing anything at all. So the humans, go to their ship to investigate what´s happening, what they find it´s that the aliens were refugees, the last survivors of their planet. Not knowing what to do with them, the humans forced them to live in a refugee camp called "District 9", until the world nations decided what to do in this extrange situation. The first thing that they decide after twenty years it´s to move them to another place and here is where the movie starts..

Well, if that isn´t different enough for you, let me tell you that it´s a movie that emphasizes more in the alien point of view, and i think that criticizes the human beings and how they do things.

I liked District 9 alot, i don´t know if it´s because it´s story; the style that they used to make the movie in a reportage kind of way at the begining and then developing the story as the movie goes; the fact that it´s a movie with a very little budget and even with that you don´t notice it on it´s special efects nor the acting; it´s amazing viral marketing, that had everyone wondering on the internet what was this movie about. I don´t know what was it, but i loved it.

If my opinion doesn´t convince you on watching it, then i must tell you that it was a blockbuster film in the US and that in the first week it raised all the money that was spend on the making.

"*`+``º1&%=)%$$/(" or as we would say it in English, "Now human, go see it!"

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2009


Hiii, here i am again, this time im here to talk you about my not so new but ultimately increased adiction (dont take the word adiction too seriously haha): "travels". Yes, some people are adicted to cigarretes, drugs, alcohol but in my case im beggining to get adicted to travels. In just 4 weeks i have been in Ibiza for the closing parties (im going to talk about that another time) and a weekend in Madrid.

Right by now youre surely saying or thinking: "this guy is rich or crazy", well, let me tell you that you are about right in one of them but i can assure to you that is not the rich part, a little crazy maybe.. haha.

So now you are wondering if he isnt rich and he is crazy but in a good sense, "how is possible that he is doing that?", well, the answer is simple, just one word, "RYANAIR".

What is "RYANAIR"?. RYANAIR is a "low-cost" airplane company that i dont have a clue of how they do it but i can tell you 100% sure that they offer flights so cheaper that are ridiculous, for example this last weekend that i went to Madrid, it only costed us 5 euros going from Valencia airport and returning to it, yes!, 5 euros total, its like you are taking a bus, an airplane-bus type of thing haha.

So the thing is that with this prices you can travel minimum two weekends per month without even feeling it on your wallet, getting the oportunity of meeting new places, new people, new experiences, new-new-new like the american way of thinking that we saw in class (another detail for the teacher, haha, im traveling but not missing classes haha) and that my friends gets you addicted in a good way again haha.

Now having all that said, your next question would be: "Yes, thats nice but dont you have to pay hotel to stay on those places?", yes, thats a good question and this is where you take advantage of having friends (haha that sounded bad) that are on Erasmus or live in those places, if you dont have friends, well, i recommend to you that you start making them haha, having friends is the best thing there is. In the worst scenario you can pick a hostal for 10 euros per night at most but then you are expending more money and thats not what we want because then you couldt affort it.

In conclusion the new way of enjoing your weekend with your normal student money like me comes in two words friends and "RYANAIR" haha.

Next trips marked on my calendar: Madrid-2,50€, Milan-0,02€(yes like you read it haha) and Granada-5€


lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009


Ok, so i was here on my bedroom studying a lot for the assigment "Inglés para traductores e intérpretes" (a little detail for the teacher jeje) and i decided to write something about the last movie i saw last saturday night that was "Inglorious Basterds" or "Malditos Bastardos" in spanish.

If i say that is a movie made by Quentin Tarantino and you don´t get the picture already of what you are going to see on screen because you aren´t familiarize with Tarantino style, well, i´ll sumarize it for you, you are going to see pretty much everything that comes with the words ,blood, crazyness, violence, western style music, brilliant dialogues and all of this toguether mixed with fun, if you don´t like any of the things that i mentioned don´t get even near Tarantino´s films.

In this movie Tarantino tries to change history, making his movie about the end of the third reich but in the way he wants to, telling a series of events that never happened about two sides that are trying to assassinate the Nazi political leadership, one of them is a French Jewish cinema owner and the other one is a group of Jewish American soldiers or simply a group of people called the basterds that want to kill nazis.

Well, after saying this, my conclution is that is a very good movie, even if you don´t like blood you´re going to like it, one of my female friends kept closing her eyes everytime there was blood on screen and even that way she like it, it´s just different from any other movie so go see it. By the way is a good movie to practice languages because they talk a lot in german, french and english or spanish.

Sorry if i got too tedious, i´ll talk about another thing next time. BYE

domingo, 4 de octubre de 2009


CAUTION: This is my first blog so if reading this causes you to feel dizzy, it makes your skin red, blue, green or whatever, makes you think that you can fly or travel in time or any normal secundary effects like the ones mentioned before please contact your medic or just click on another window and check your tuenti or facebook.

Well, having that introduction, i just wanted to say that this is the first entry to my blog that i´m going to write on along this year as a task for "Inglés para traductores e intérpretes" and it´s my first contact with blogs as you read before (so please be merciful). I don´t want to make this blog about only one subject in particular so i´m going to write about many things like movies, series, parties, translation, what was first the chicken or the egg? and stuff like that, including my own life too (but not too many details---don´t be curious--just joking) and hoping that writing on this blog becomes more than mearly a task and just a fun thing to write on and of course to read.

So, hello in advance to everyone that will read my blog or just pass by it and I hope you´ll enjoy it. BLA BLA BLA